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Mrs. Gombart

CIJ for Kids and Teens

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Dear Parents,

There is no time like the present to learn new skills that will improve your life or the life of your child. Mindfulness is one of the tools taught in the CIJ for Kids course. CIJ stands for Creative Insight Journey. We are all on a journey in this life. This course teaches actionable skills to foster a resilient life. One tip that has really helped me is focusing on the present moment by focusing on my breath. Before you begin identify what you are feeling. It might be anxiety from the news, or your feeling anxious because your child is turning into a summer sloth and doesn't want to do anything which brings up anxiety as you question how can I be the best parent in the current situation. Use a rating scale of 0 - no problem ( no anxiety) to 10 for feeling it (anxiety) to the MAX. I am at a _____! Now lets focus on your breath: In..... Out.... Breathe in for 4 counts and out for 6 counts. Repeat this at least three deep breaths. You might even feel you need to lengthen the count. IN.... for 6 counts and OUT.... for 8 counts. Rate your level. I am now at a ____! You can repeat until your rating lowers to a level of 1 or 2; repeat as many times as you want. And you can teach this to your kids.

Mindfulness is calming

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