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Writer's pictureLori Gombart

No "ME" time is stressing me out!

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

For something that is so natural, breathing is also something we forget to do under stress. As a parent that is always going and giving to your family, it easy to forget that your body needs down time to recharge- like your cell phone when it says 15% left. When you are under stress you go into a natural defense mode that has ensured your survival called Fight-Flight- Freeze. This means that you breathe faster and not as deep. Your blood supply literally leaves your brain and goes to your muscles so you can fight with spectacular strength, flee to a safety zone, or tighten muscles in your neck, shoulders and thighs by ‘freezing’ to blend in with the surroundings. Your digestive tract is no longer a priority for digestion and nutrition. Your eyes get tunnel vision and so does your temperament as you focus to ensure survival.

What can you do about this?

Train yourself to recognize the signs of stress. Then as soon as you become aware that your body is feeling in danger from the many threats of parenting and no “me" time. Just stop and breathe three DEEP breaths to shut off your Fight-Flight-Freeze response. I use an app on my phone called Prana Breath. Allow your exhale to be longer than your inhale to signal to your body that you are again safe! This will bring you back, into the present moment. Your family will notice the color return to your cheeks. The best part is you can train your kids to be aware of their stress signals too. And, that they have the power to shift their awareness. Kids learn by watching their parents. This is a tool the whole family can use.

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